Museo Diocesano e del Codex 
Via Arcivescovado, 5
87067 - Rossano (Cs) 
Mail: info@museocodexrossano.it Tel./Fax. 0983.525263 
Cell. 340.4759406
Manuscripts SANTORAL

The santoral dates 1614 and the author is unknown. It is made of 68 folios and two elements:
In the folios 1-2 we can see the Holy Cross ( 3 may or 14 september) on folios 3-68 we find saint Andrew ( 30 November) and the Assumption ( 15 August) . the manuscript presents three big illuminations with the flagellation of Christ, Christ falling with the cross, the Crucifixion
Museo Diocesano e del Codex - Via Arcivescovado, 5 87067 – Rossano (Cs)