Museo Diocesano e del Codex 
Via Arcivescovado, 5
87067 - Rossano (Cs) 
Mail: info@museocodexrossano.it Tel./Fax. 0983.525263 
Cell. 340.4759406
ROOM 02: Antiquity and the Middle ages. Byzantine Rossano
Rossano was a very important Byzantine city in the south of Italy. The X century represents the moment of highest splendor for the town, important citizens like Saint Nilo were born in this period. Architectonical and pictorial witnesses can be seen in the old town and the surroundings, but also in museums in Italy and abroad. In this room one can admire pieces from Hellenic times to the Byzantine dominion, thus recreating the history of the Diocese

Museo Diocesano e del Codex - Via Arcivescovado, 5 87067 – Rossano (Cs)