Museo Diocesano e del Codex 
Via Arcivescovado, 5
87067 - Rossano (Cs) 
Mail: info@museocodexrossano.it Tel./Fax. 0983.525263 
Cell. 340.4759406
ROOM 5: The cult of the Achiropita
The room is dedicated to our Lady Achiropita, the beloved icon of the rossanese people. Its cult is a very old one and it is connected to the sacred icon kept in the Cathedral of Rossano , entitled to this same icon.
A video projection, in the middle of the room, will tell, through the help of images and tales, the diffusion of this cult in Rossano
Museo Diocesano e del Codex - Via Arcivescovado, 5 87067 – Rossano (Cs)